
Deposit payment

To complete your reservation please

  1. transfer money (€) to our account
  2. send us your bank’s official payment confirmation

IBAN: HR6623600003224648170 (SWIFT/BIC: ZABAHR2X)

Account owner: Jasminka Kosalec, Ogulinska 66, Zagreb, Croatia

Slikovni rezultat za bank transfer

8 thoughts on “Deposit payment

  • Hi,

    This is my deposit for the night from September 6th to September 7th.

    With best regards,


  • Hi,
    This is my deposit for stay 19-25 September.
    With best regards,
    Barbara Sora

  • Hello Mrs. Kosalec,
    sorry that I didn`t payd immediately the deposit (today I made the transfer). I thought your mails are Phishing-E-Mails from other persons and i am verry careful about them. I hope the deposit is still possible. I can`t send you an information about the email from booking.com. That`s why I contact you about your homepage. Please give me a feedback if now is all correct.

    Best regards

    Silke Kolbus

    • Hi.

      Yes, of course, deposit payment is still possible. Please send us deposit payment confirmation once you do it. Thank you.

      I am happy to hear that you are very careful with phishing emails so do not worry about not replying. It would be perfect if everyone would be so careful.

      Take care. Best regards.

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